David Marchese: Let me ask about something that’s not in The Silence, at least not anymore. In the first galley copy I read, there’s a scene in which a character is reciting disastrous events and mentions Covid-19. Then I was told there were changes to the book and was sent a second galley. Covid-19 was gone. Why did you take it out?
Don DeLillo: I didn’t put Covid-19 in there. Somebody else had. Somebody else could have decided that it made it more contemporary. But I said, “There’s no reason for that.”
David Marchese: I’m shocked that an editor or whoever had the chutzpah to jam anything, let alone a Covid-19 mention, into one of your books.
Don DeLillo: It wasn’t going to stay, that’s for sure.





I’ve had a problem with the “radical”, “truth-telling” writings of CJ Hopkins for quite a while, but I never bothered to address this problem in detail, before, because I couldn’t remember where I’d read the passage, that red-flagged him, for me. I don’t make accusations without citing (primary) sources. I just didn’t feel like digging the material up, before, but now I’ve put the time into it. It took maybe 15 minutes to locate the symptom.

I never trusted CJ, and in exactly the same way that I never trusted gatekeepers Al “Limited Hangout” Cockburn, Noam “Let the Unvaxxed Starve” Chomsky or Mendax Assange… all of whom have been known to say “the right things,” at various times, to attract believers, yet all of whom have failed the 9/11 test. The 9/11 test is an important test. If you fail it, at the very least, you have no fucking idea what is actually happening in this world. You may as well believe that Henry Kissinger was the conscience of his generation. I’ll let you slide on Cold War Tall Tales of Apollo or even the incredibly bad acting of the Sandy Hook Repertory Theater Troupe (which is Advanced Curricula material, in any case) but if you fail the 9/11 (or JFK) test, you’re either a child, a Dupe or a Shill.

Which is CJ? He wrote:

“Now, before my conspiracy theorist friends get all excited about where I’m going with this, I’m not suggesting that the 9/11 attacks were some kind of US government plot, or extraterrestrial reptilian plot*, or that any of the terrorist attacks that have followed — the actual terrorist attacks, that is, not the ones by deranged individuals who swore allegiance to ISIS on Facebook — have not occurred more or less as reported. (Frankly, it doesn’t really matter if they didn’t**. The overall effect remains the same.) What I’m calling into question, or examining, or ridiculing, is the ideological narrative surrounding these attacks, and Terrorism, and the War on Terror, or whatever it is we’re calling it this week, and the sanctimony surrounding this narrative, which the “Homeland Generation” has grown up with.”

If we break down that first sentence into separate statements, for clarity’s sake, we can extract an astonishing sentence (the other component, the dismissive stuff about “conspiracy theorists” and “reptilians”, just isn’t that astonishing, sadly: it’s textbook NORMIE gaslighting):


“I’m not suggesting that [ … ] any of the terrorist attacks that have followed [ … ] have not occurred more or less as reported.”


Think about what the supposedly vigilant, truth-telling, wise-about-the-world CJ is suggesting, via what he’s not suggesting,  in that sentence. Big Media’s “news” skits aren’t carefully-crafted Orwellian mood-organs, they’re reporting the Truth! The Control Structure is actually fighting actual terrorists, rather than staging events, in order to mine the political platinum of Terror among the populace! Also, George Washington chopped down a cherry tree, and he could not tell a lie, right? Our Owner-Controllers are noble characters! Believe, little Serf! Believe!


(Maybe CJ has revised his position on 9/11 since the last time I checked? But this was written in 2016 or so… he’d had 15-ish years to have figured things out, or what he was going to say about them, by then, no?)



*Yes, of course, duh: imputing sinister motives and deeds to the US Gov, with absolutely no historical precedent, anywhere on the planet (just ask The Native Americans) is clearly and ludicrously equivalent to deplorable fantasies of the biophysically impossible! We hear ya, Normative CJ.

**This is where your idiocy and/or mendacity goes up on the marquee in flashing lights, Normative CJ. It matters a fuck of a lot. If Duh Masses can be shown that their “own Government,”  staging “terrorist attacks,”  was the force behind civilian casualties, Duh Masses would finally, perhaps, snap out of it. Duh Masses, as it is, believe their Gov is doing its “inept best” to  protect them, and Duh Masses, therefore, write Gov a naively eager blank check to do whatever Gov suggests is necessary, ethical or not, logical or not, moral or not, to “stop the bad guys” and “save us”.  I think my Sarcasm button is stuck.





Poor Mark was naive. Connecting the dots FOR people got him hanging by the neck from a rope in his studio on the eve of his biggest career breakthrough. It appears he mapped key connections, in a Bush-centric web, right before 9/11 was scheduled to happen.





Matthew Ehret Screenshot one

Read the very bottom of the inserted image, above; the sentence in red: that’s what I saw when I posted  (attempted to post) my second comment.

Matthew Ehret Screenshot 2

The first commenter in the image was responding to my first comment. My first comment, obviously, was vaporized, but I’ve learned to save all comments before posting. It is reproduced below (altered in the intro paragraph):

The only person I can think of,  who seems to admire the CCP  more than Matthew Ehret, is Justin Trudeau. Maybe the two should chat…  (or maybe they already have)? Tricky times. Ehret seems to have appeared, out of thin air, with a following he acquired by saying some of the right things about the Moronic Covid Hoax, but who/what is he, really? The leader-hunger out there is palpable. People do not vet their “heroes” any more stringently than they critique their religious beliefs, sadly, and the psychological quirks, behind each respective failure of verification,  are closely related.

Over at a site called “The China Channel,” Matthew Ehret writes as Matthew Ehret-Kump. To quote from the “mission” statement at The China Channel:

“Ink is spilled over China every day. There is a myriad of sites, magazines and columns out there that unpack this nation as it changes both itself and the world around it. But we feel that there is too much focus at the center – trending news and politics – that ignores the white space around the edges of China coverage. At the China Channel, we hope to fill that white space – painting a more complete picture of China that brings to life Chinese culture, society and history in all their complexity.”

Ah, I love the rounded, rubberized corners of Corporate Smile-Speak! It’s like rhetorical Muzak! It always sounds so benign. If Matthew Ehret-Kump were writing for a thing called “The America Channel” it would give me a sinister chill… such a title for such a channel would denote American Propaganda, no?  I wouldn’t expect any content on such a channel to be brutally honest about any American weaknesses or atrocities. I wouldn’t even bother reading it! Can it be that Matthew Ehret differs from his Evil Twin,  Matthew Ehret-Kump,  in that the former doesn’t indulge in pro-China propaganda… as the latter does? Meaning that THIS content, HERE, on Matthew Ehret’s substack, is objective and not in any way interested in continuing the work of The China Channel in spreading “the good news” about China… ?


But wait! There’s more. The China Channel’s full name is LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS CHINA CHANNEL.

Tricky times.

Here is how ME-K (ME’s evil twin) spins it at Global Research:

“As I laid out in my recent article ‘Guterres and the Great Reset: How our Economy Became a Time Bomb’, those figures preparing to pull the plug on the bubble known as the western financial system tend to orbit one particular organization called the World Economic Forum, with names such as Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger and George Soros.

And while consumers of anti-Chinese propaganda might here exclaim that these individuals have all spoken well of China at different times, the only thing which Schwab, Soros or Kissinger admire is China’s centralized power structures and social credit systems. Everything that China is actually doing as far as building the New Silk Road, unleashing long term credit for development, empowering sovereign nation states to stand on their two feet and ending global poverty are despised.”

So, let’s take that first sentence apart:

“And while consumers of anti-Chinese propaganda might here exclaim that these individuals have all spoken well of China at different times, the only thing which Schwab, Soros or Kissinger admire is China’s centralized power structures and social credit systems.”

The second half of that sentence is indeed hilarious:

“the only thing which Schwab, Soros or Kissinger admire is China’s centralized power structures and social credit systems”… Um, yes, the bits they admire  are the EVIL bits. Makes total sense. But writing such a sentence is like writing “the only thing which Prescott Bush admired about The Third Reich was the SS and the Concentration Camps”…. and using it to prove that the Third Reich wasn’t all that bad. Sure, there were some problems, but…

ME-K goes on to write, in that “anti-China-psyops debunking article”:

“Power hungry imperialists very much enjoy centralized national controls for the simple reason that these controls would give them the power to make their grandiose visions for a dystopic techno-feudal dictatorship happen fast without pesky democratic mechanisms getting in the way. The difference between China’s leadership when contrasted with the Schwabs of the Great Reset crowd is a matter of intention and governing ideology.

Where one is devoted to closed system depopulation and unipolarism, the other is devoted to open system long term growth and multipolarism.”

Analyzing the very first sentence in the paragraph directly above, we can say: yes, True enough: “Power hungry imperialists very much enjoy centralized national controls for the simple reason that these controls would give them the power to make their grandiose visions for a dystopic techno-feudal dictatorship happen fast without pesky democratic mechanisms getting in the way,” … indeed.

After that, ME-K goes all wide-eyed Fan-Boy on us, though:

“The difference between China’s leadership when contrasted with the Schwabs of the Great Reset crowd is a matter of intention and governing ideology.

Where one is devoted to closed system depopulation and unipolarism, the other is devoted to open system long term growth and multipolarism.”

How is any of that proven? Where is the actual evidence nudging us to assume that Chinese Humans, with near-absolute power, behave somehow differently (and much BETTER), by default, than their Caligulan Euro/American counterparts? Yes, the Schwabs and Soroses and Clintons and Obamas (et al) say pretty words about themselves, and their plans, too. Who is still stupid enough to fall for such lies? Who is dumb enough to believe a horrifically Dystopian (and anti-Human) control tool… Digital Social Credit… can be used benignly?

Is every tool “value-neutral”? Like a guillotine?  Like a gibbet? Like a Medieval Rack? “Yes,” says innocent Matty, “It also depends on what your intentions are. If you intend to cause pain when you torture, that’s much much worse than if you torture someone and…” (etc)

Some people are refusing to drink certain flavors of Kool-Aid while bathing, brushing, douching and taking enemas with the other flavors.

What do we call these types? Half-Smart? Half-Nuts?

… Or well-paid?

We are being groomed, Friends.






I have had occasion recently to look into the history of animal magnetism and hypnotism, and have been greatly struck by the way in which, for a hundred and fifty years, the world has refused to take serious cognizance of the discoveries of Mesmer, Braid, Esdaile, and the rest.


Partly because of the prevailing materialism and partly because of prevailing respectability, nineteenth-century philosophers and men of science were not willing to investigate the odder facts of psychology for practical men, such as politicians, soldiers and policemen, to apply in the field of government. Thanks to the voluntary ignorance of our fathers, the advent of the ultimate revolution was delayed for five or six generations. Another lucky accident was Freud’s inability to hypnotize successfully and his consequent disparagement of hypnotism. This delayed the general application of hypnotism to psychiatry for at least forty years. But now psycho-analysis is being combined with hypnosis; and hypnosis has been made easy and indefinitely extensible through the use of barbiturates, which induce a hypnoid and suggestible state in even the most recalcitrant subjects.


Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.

—-Huxley to Orwell,  Oct 21 1949

And THEN they perfected Televison. Explains everything.





Today, Alessandro Michele is exploring the hybrid aesthetic of his Exquisite collection in a disturbing campaign in which his designs come to life in iconic films by American director Stanley Kubrick. “A philosophical filmmaker who, better than others, emanated the magic of that inextricable knot through which cinema exhales life and magnifies it. His experimental drive goes beyond any possible categorisation. Every film, in fact, digests the manifold souls where dystopia meets parody, drama becomes human comedy, horror looks like a psycho-philosophic treatise, the feeling of truth evolves into the uncanny. Kubrick was, in essence, a real sculptor of genres: the ‘cross-genre’ director, ahead of his time. His ability to build stories that exceed significance, crossing borders and setting labels on fire, has always been deeply inspiring to me“, the creator explained in a press release.




8The problem with Americans

“The problem with Americans… or, maybe it’s just everybody… is the tendency to have strong opinions about subjects about which they have little or no knowledge. People with grade-school understandings of science have passionate opinions about “Global Warming” and the Ozone layer but if they had a little more knowledge about why the Alarmist Headlines are based on ambiguous “evidence” (it’s a very stable fact, for example, that much hotter overall temperatures were recorded, in the paleontological record,  c. 2000 years ago, as indicated by tree-ring analysis; we are in an overall Cooling Phase) and that the very people behind these headlines have very powerful (and sinister) PROFIT MOTIVES… they’d be a little more cautious in their Belief. Now, if you have little or no knowledge on a topic, how can you have a passionate opinion about it? One word: PROPAGANDA. Further: propaganda that you can easily identify as propaganda is not very good (or expensive) propaganda. So that’s how THAT works. Yes, we are polluting the living FUCK out of the Earth, and torturing “third world” populations because we love our I-Phones and our Nikes… but the “Global Warming” industry is a scam and a geopolitical manipulation and a little more EDUCATION would make us a LOT less easy to DUPE.”   

—Me in 2012, the Year of the Aztec (or was it Incan?)  Apocalypse

The paradox being that when we all finally wake up to the reality of these Monsters in charge of us, the Monsters will shrink into insignificance, and the nightmare that too many were too afraid to face (prolonged by that very denial) will be OVER.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR [letters are vetted for cogency and style]