It’s summer vacation (peak Dadness), I’m distracted by Relentless Wife-Nuzzling (stop everything, run across the kitchen, stick my nose against a spot about half-way up her neck, inhale deeply and moan audibly) and the careening up-mountain scramble to get an album mixed and mastered and eventually, maybe, pressed. So: not so much time for Analytical Ranting. But I keep an eye on Media (which is a window on The Empire’s Id)… hence:     1 RELICS of MY FAVORITE MAD SPIRITUAL UNCLE (we’ve heard the audio, now here’s the video)         2 SOME USES OF THIS SINISTER … Continue reading MADCAP VIDCRAP RECAP


Young Indie Alt Media Star FKA Twigs appears in a Spike Jonze video, with the lacerating title “Welcome Home,” about the circular route, around the dead rituals of Capitalism’s cheese-in-the-maze worship, to schizophrenia. But can the schizophrenia be monetized? Spike Jonze, the upper class video director who specializes in the mental illnesses of Serfs, addresses this question. In the video’s conceptual top layer, a mouse (trapped in a post-Blade Runner rainscape denied even the decorative mercy of neon lights) returns to her HomePod. Where has she been? Working? Wandering the streets? We’ll never know.  “Safely” within her HomePod again, she … Continue reading APP-ALLING: OVER THE COUNTER COUNTERCULTURE (A COMMERCIAL)


  Most films are now power fantasies. Forget La Dolce Vita’s bittersweet and nuanced report on the effect of beauty on intelligence and time on beauty and dreams that turn bad or never happen, the NATO audience wants to identify with implausible characters who kick ass. With the advent of the technology capable of making almost any idiotic fantasy look almost (if you squint and drink whisky) real on-screen, super-hero films, based largely on characters from golden age comic books, are now a big part of the (infantilized) culture. When I was a kid, comic books were for kids. The appeal … Continue reading PUBERTAL POWER TRIPS